cc-NanobioNet e.V.
Germany’s Network for Nano- and Biotechnology
cc-NanoBioNet e.V. was founded to promote nanotechnology and biotechnology in the areas of science, research, further education, application and usage. Within the scope of its activities, the association supports the cooperation and transfer of knowledge amongst universities and colleges, research institutes, industry and government administration, promotes further education and young talent in the sciences, plays an active role in public relations work, initiates and supervises project cooperation, runs information events and congresses and, in so doing, strengthens the Saarland as a region and stimulates its economic development.
Our key aims
• We bring scientists and business people together with the media and political decision-makers through our communication system.
• We create a strong network for our members.
• We are the most important centre of excellence for nano- and biotechnology in Germany.
• We are the leading authority for evaluation and consultation on all aspects of nano- and biotechnology and are recognized as such by the relevant public interest groups.
• We are engaged in open dialogue with players from politics, business and society and participate proactively in the debates on the opportunities and risks of nano- and biotechnology.
• We provide comprehensive, factual information on the current and potential application of nano- and biotechnology
• We promote the training and development of specialists in order to secure innovation skills in Germany as well as jobs on an ongoing and sustainable basis.
cc-NanoBioNet e.V.
Science Park 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 (0)681 68 57 364